
Sunday, 28 October 2012

Keep Yourself Healthy with Milk Spinach and Green Tea

Being healthy is the utmost essential factor to lead a happy life. You must have a healthy lifestyle to ward off undesirable diseases. Proper nutrition and exercise is vital for a healthy and happy living. Your mom started feeding you with her breast milk and she made milk a very important part of your diet. Yet, many of us don’t know its nutrition facts except for being a source of calcium. Spinach, a favorite food for the cartoon Popeye, is endowed with numerous health benefits. Green tea is now gaining popularity due to its soothing effects on our mind and health benefits too.

Milk has most of the nutrients that your body needs such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. In 250 gm of milk, there is approximately 13 gm of carbohydrates. They are in a di-saccharide form called lactose and no dietary fibre or starch is found in milk. The fat content is 2.5 gm, out of which 1.7 gm is saturated fats while the rest is unsaturated. Also, milk is rich in essential in fatty acids which are beneficial for growing children. In the quantity of 250 gm, milk has 8.2 gm of proteins .They are mainly casein and whey proteins; contains certain enzymes.

Milk is a reservoir of nutrients and thus it becomes of prime importance to consume it on a daily basis, so that the body gets the essential nutrients required by the body. Milk is an extremely rich source of vitamins. 250 gm of milk meets approximately 44% of your body's daily requirement of vitamins but also lacks vitamin C, E and B1.In addition, milk is rich in minerals like calcium, fluoride, iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, selenium, sodium and potassium. You can have a dose of these minerals by drinking a glass of milk. Further, it has some other essential components as well. Milk has 12.2 gm of cholesterol and 220gm of water.

If you want to lose weight and also retain your habit of taking milk and dairy products, stop counting on calories, as you now have an option of Skim Milk.
The skimmed milk is formed by removing the fat present in the cream of the milk. The fat present in skimmed milk is not more than 0.5% of what is present otherwise. Removal of fats has no effect on the calcium content of the milk. Therefore, it is safe to use skimmed milk. Make sure that you are drinking at least a glass of milk daily as it is almost equal to a balanced diet.

Spinach is a nutritional powerhouse packed with numerous health benefits. It aids in digestion, prevents constipation and maintains low blood sugar. Spinach is abundant with anti-cancer properties as it has been founded to slow down cell division in human stomach and skin cancer cells. It is a source of anti-oxidants such as vitamin C, Vitamin E, manganese, zinc, beta-carotene and selenium. It also lowers the blood pressure, increases vision and immunity. Spinach is rich in Vitamin A which promotes healthy skin .Since, spinach juice is low in calories, so helpful in weight loss.Further, it is beneficial for bones and nervous system.

Green tea retains maximum amount of anti-oxidants and has been used as a medicine for thousands of years. Green tea increases metabolism and is helpful in weight loss. It reduces the risk of diabetes and heart diseases. Green is also known to reduce the bad cholesterol level and risk of esophageal cancer. It is beneficial for skin care and reduces wrinkles due to presence of anti-oxidants. Thiamine is an amino acid naturally found in tea leaves which provide a relaxing and tranquilizing effect. Green tea is said to delay the deterioration caused by Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Thus, include milk, spinach and green tea in your diet to keep yourself healthy and diseases free.

For more information please visit : Green Tea Health Benefits, Milk Nutrition Facts, Benefits of Spinach

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